Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hola from Sevilla!

Another written entry I've been meaning to post... more to come soon!

January 7, 2011-- the hotel in Sevilla
Well we made it, barely! I met up with a girl from my program, Carly, at the end of our flight to Madrid and we almost missed our flight to Sevilla. We had to take a subway, several escalators and an elevator to get there, and go through customs and security, again. They made me go back through security with my laptop so Carly said she would get my things for me. I assumed she had all of them, but as we were running through the airport to catch our flight (which left in about 3 minutes and had started boarding 30 minutes ago) I realized she'd forgotten the little pack with my passport, visa, debit card, driver's license, all my money and ipod. So she took some of my things and ran to hold the flight for me while I went back to security, where LUCKILY my things were still there. I ran back through the airport and managed to miraculously get on the flight, which left about 4 minutes late thanks to us.

We got a taxi to the hotel where we are staying for the first night. I am sharing a room with a girl named Cherise, who is also my roommate for the program. As soon as we got to the hotel, Cherise and I collapsed and slept for six hours! We went to dinner with the entire group (chicken and french fries... not very Spanish) and afterwards Cherise, Carly and I walked around Sevilla a bit. We didn't see much of anything, (apparently we walked in the wrong direction,) but it was still nice to see some of the city.

At dinner I found out who I'll be staying with-- a young woman named Inés and her daughter Ana. They sound like they will be wonderful. I'd gone through all the evaluations of the program and contacted the people who said they had good host stays, and Inés was one of the best ones. Very exciting!

More to come!


  1. Ay...¡el escenario del aeropuerto me causó hipertensión, María! Estoy tantísimo aliviado de oír que todo resultó bien, pero a la vez estoy seguro que estabas flipando. (:

    Lo siento, pero la idea de ir andando por Sevilla pero en la dirección equivocada me hace reír. Bueno...por lo menos ¡tuvieron la oportunidad de explorar y conocer los aledaños!

    Me muero de ganas de oír más de Inés y Ana--¡suenan perfectas!

    Te echamos muchísimo de menos...

  2. Sí, estaba MUY flipando. Tenía suerte que mi bolsa estaba allí. La parte de la ciudad donde vivo y donde caminábamos se parece como muchas de las ciudades, pero oigo que el centro es muy hermoso y historico. ¡Estoy muy emocionada y quiero ir mañana!
