Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bienvenido + the airplane trip

Bienvenido a mi blog Sevillano! I hope to use this blog to keep everyone posted on my experience studying abroad in Sevilla this spring semester!

Sorry I have been so long in posting this first entry. I wrote it on the plane but I'm just now getting to typing it up. More to come!

January 6, 2011--on the plane to Madrid
I can't believe I'm here. It's just hitting me for the first time, and it all seems surreal.

The flight to Chicago was uneventful, on a pretty small plane (50 passengers.) Now I'm on a massive plane on my way to Madrid. I had to go all the way across the airport to get my connecting flight, and by the time I made it they were already boarding! Saw one girl in a UNC sweatshirt but I couldn't tell besides that whether anyone else was from my program.

I thought at least someone would recognize my UNC sweatshirt and say hi, but no one did. Then as I was struggling to put my little rolling backpack in the overhead compartment no one helped me. I felt a little down and started wondering what I was getting myself into. But then I ended up sitting next to this guy named Adam who is from Indiana and was a history major at Wake Forest. He lives in a small town in Southern Spain and teaches English through a government program. He's been telling me all about how much he likes Spain and all the places I should visit; it's eased my worries a little bit.

Anyways, guess I'll sign out for now. I'm sure I will write again soon as new worries come up!

Chicago from the air

1 comment:

  1. Es completamente típico que no te dabas cuenta de que nos dejaste hasta que llegues a España. ): ¡«Surrealista» solamente trata de empezar de describirlo! Ya te echamos de menos.
